LSL Prospect

LSL prospect is located in the Patricia Mining Division, 160 km northeast of Sioux Lookout, Ontario, with a highway, logging road, and on foot access

29 mining claims covering 600 ha

100% owned

No royalties

The claims lie within Archean rocks of the English River subprovince of the Superior province

The subprovince can be broadly divided into a northern supracrustal, metasedimentary domain and a southern granitoid intrusive and gneissic regimes

Historical work included mapping, airborne gamma ray spectrometry survey, line cutting, and core drilling



The area is underlain by the northeastern extension of the Savant Lake greenstones

The greenstone rocks are approximately 1-1.5 km wide in the vicinity of the pegmatites

The greenstone section is bounded to the north and south by tonalities and granites to the southwest

Historical exploration identified outcrops of pegmatitic quartz-feldsparmuscovite-leucogranite


The prospect area consists of multiple successful exploration activities:

Geologic mapping and 7.15-mile line cutting identified pegmatic rocks (Ref:Urangesellschaft Canada Ltd., 1977)

Diamond drilling (Source: Assessment File 52J09NW8906, Ontario Geological Survey). The International Nickel Co. of Canada Ltd., 1967-1968:

  • DD 218 ft, intercepted 98.4 ft of granite- pegmatite
  • DD 116 ft , intercepted multiple pegmatite zones of 25 ft, 2 ft, 6 ft, 2 ft , and 2 ft
  • DD 170 ft, intercepted multiple pegmatite zones of 17 ft, 3 ft and 5.6 ft
  • DD 144 ft, intercepted multiple pegmatite zones incl. 63 ft of granite-pegmatite

Caution: Historical Results – this presentation contains historical exploration results. The Company has not verified historical results, unless stated otherwise, and there is a risk that any future confirmation work and exploration may produce results that substantially differ from the historical results. The Company considers these historical results relevant to assess the mineralization potential of the properties.