Lidstone Prospect

Gold and LTC pegmatite exploration prospect

The property is located approximately 270 km directly north of the City of Thunder Bay along highway 527.

Network of logging roads allows easy property access

852 mining claims covering ~17,300 ha

100% owned No royalties

First field exploration program collected 54 rock samples (Oct. 2024)

Quartz vein returned 0.272 g/t Au (Mar. 2025)

Exploration to follow up on gold mineralization prospectivity in the 2025 field season



Mineral deposit types known to occur within the English River sub province include the formation of extensive Fe formation of wacke-turbidite association, RE pegmatites subprovince boundary zones, Cu-Ni-Co-PGM sulfides in meta-ultramafic pods, and polymetallic VMS within the greenstone enclaves.

Lidstone Mining Claims 20240321


The prospect area consists of coincident magnetic abrupt highs and lows and zones of high electromagnetic (EM) conductance

Multiple areas of interest suggest historical work overlooked a significant exploration opportunity in the prospect area

The area shows shear strike that extends north-west through the central part of the prospect with the magnetic high defining the mafic and tonalite units which show high potential magnetic / iron signatures


Vertical magnetic gradient anomalies show extension along the claims area within the northwest – southeast directions (strike zone)

Noticeably the abrupt changes of high and low vertical magnetic gradient could potentially exhibit sulfide mineralization associated with an intrusive body of the greenstone unit 


Since vertical gradient anomalies arising from near sources are typically enhanced vs. those arising from deeper or more distant sources, the strike zone could be indicative of a potential near surface mineralization in the area

Interpolation of anomalous residual magnetic intensity and vertical magnetic gradient warrant a field geophysical survey to more precisely delineate the zones of anomalies and/or potential drilling targets

Figure 1